About Us

What exactly IS “Cross Adventuring?”


Cross Adventuring is THE Antidote to our modern lifestyle crisis.

That simple.

Don’t believe me, keep reading…

There are a lot of armchair voyeurs out there…maybe you are one of them. You live your life stuck in a rut of boring routine; go to work, eat out occasionally and shop a little (or too much of both),and you run the same old errands again and again. If you feel motivated, you sometimes work out and get all excited several times a year about getting back into shape, or eating right, or maybe even both at the same time. If you have kids, you spend more time running them to and from their activities, and your life revolves around your work and their lives. There just isn’t much else going on. Your television set and the internet bring the rest of the life that you aren’t living right in front of your eyes.  It is fun to see beautiful people doing amazing things and leading interesting lives, but, we all know that is for others and never for us average folks.

Quehanna Trail 2

Well, here at Cross Adventuring those of us so-called average folks just don’t buy into that scenario!

We believe that we can be plenty fit and healthy to step out of the rut of routine lives that now plague more than 90% of westernized cultures. Being well shouldn’t include struggling with increasing chronic lifestyle illnesses, debilitating depressions, and a downward spiral of quality of life filled with increasing meds.

We believe and prove that turning 40 isn’t an old-age death sentence, functional fitness is a real thing for real people who enjoy real adventures, and health is best achieved through nutrient dense natural foods and even some wild foods thrown in for extra health and performance.


Aren’t you (and your family) really just ready for some REAL FUN?!

We believe that you, along with us, know that the next generation of children must be given the opportunities to experience true health and wellness through outdoor exploration and adventure, along with a deeper appreciation of the natural world. We shouldn’t be handing them a gaming system and abandoning them in a corner while we hide behind our own garish screens with each of us pretending to have a total blast playing virtual games or exploring virtual worlds.

Wouldn’t you rather hear what my 15-year old daughter told me after a weekend spent backpacking (even in the rain), “Mom, you’re Rad!” Music to MY ears! Seriously! And the adults who trekked and camped with us? They were amazed that she enjoyed being out there, sleeping in an open hammock, under a tarp, in a downpour…and she was HAPPY! How many kids do you know who are HAPPY? I have had this same young girl out cross country skiing in 5 degrees under a moonlit/star-studded sky where the snow shimmered like diamonds, and again, she was ECSTATIC with the breathtaking BEAUTY and didn’t even notice the bitter cold temperatures. Isn’t THIS the response we want to see in children and raise to be thriving adults?


Can’t we just get out there and have some seriously EPIC FUN?

Have we forgotten how to Play with Life?

Cross Adventuring is here for an UPGRADED YOU, your premium self, and your happy thriving children…

You know you want to break free from the rut of your life that includes more pounds on your body every year, more prescribed meds for more ailments plaguing your body and mind every year, and just living a life that feels, well, lifeless.

You aren’t alone. A little more than a decade ago, I (Tambra) had to make some major decisions and change up my life: the weight gain, the failing marriage, and all the mental and physical dramas that add up on top of a life spiraling downhill. And I am here to tell you, that if I can make the decision to change up my own life, I know, without a doubt, that you can too.

We have seen people who were truly overweight break free from several hundred pounds and achieve great things in ultra trail running. We have seen people who defeated the downward spiral of alcoholism’s life-numbing effects, we have seen lives crushed with depression and chronic illness rebuild their lives by taking that first step towards true wholeness and freedom that nature pours into our bodies and minds.

So much more is possible for each one of us just by taking that first step.

Cross Adventuring is here to share what we have learned.

*How to begin your new adventures.

*What gear do you really need to get started?

*Where do you go for a first adventure?

*What would suit your style and personality and fitness levels best?

*How do you train and build up for specific adventures?

*How do you get your children involved? And get them to LIKE it!

*and much, much more.

We will share functional fitness and training tips and tricks, nutrient dense foods that heal achy out-of-shape joints and connective tissues and help you re-build your body and your life from your cells outward.


Join our community on our Facebook page and share your own adventures, meet new friends, connect up for adventures wherever you live and play and help us build a network of like-minded folks who love the outdoor adventure lifestyle and exceptional health and wellness.

Adventure and a life of wellness is NOT just for the beautiful, the ultra-fit, and all those “other” people, it IS for YOU, for us, and for ALL of the children who are watching our lives to see how to really live worthwhile (AND FUN) lives. Dang it all…we keep getting so serious that we ALL forget how to play and have real FUN…balancing our way over fallen logs across a cheerful stream, slipping and sliding down a muddy slope, breathing in the aroma of fresh pine (and not that fake pine scent in a candle), or standing at the top of a breath-taking vista after a heart-pounding upward trek and throwing your arms wide open and yelling at the top of your lungs…just to hear your own echo.  Yes, this is a life filled with joy and real happiness, and it won’t be found in front of a screen or in a bottle of pills or alcohol.


Okay, so what do I mean by “Cross Adventuring,” now that you know that it IS for YOU?

I (Tambra) created the concept of a mixed-adventure fitness and wellness lifestyle. Maybe I am a little bit ADHD, doesn’t really matter, but I truly enjoy a lot of different outdoor activities, and I have since I was a little girl trailing along behind my Mom and Dad. Back then we canoed, camped, hunted & fished, and just did a little bit of everything that most families did back then (trust me, it isn’t THAT long ago…lol!)

I instinctively have always known that the more we do, different activities, the stronger and healthier we become, but it wasn’t until this last decade where I had to re-write my out-of-control life that I seriously took a look at what I wanted to achieve for my own physical (fitness and nutrition), emotional/mental, and spiritual life. I had to make a plan if I ever wanted to really have and enjoy the life I actually wanted, NOT the life that becoming mine just by living in default mode.

I knew I wanted a kayak so that I could kayak and go where I wanted to go on the waterways.

I knew I wanted to run again, but road running had injured me badly so many years before that I had stopped running.

I knew I wanted to backpack and trek and get up close and personal with the natural elements.

I knew I wanted my daughters to crave the smoky allure of a campfire under a star-filled sky, and I wanted them to feel the exhilaration of finishing a challenging trek. For I know, that it is when we push through those things we don’t think we can finish, it is in that place where we grow the most and thrive and learn to push on harder, farther, and higher in the next challenge.

I knew I had to make some drastic changes and lose the weight and reprogram my health and fitness, otherwise, these things I wanted would not be mine, and not only would I lose out, so would my daughters. My Mother died at age 60 from renal cell kidney cancer, and there was so much she still wanted to enjoy in life. I didn’t want to go through the same experience.

So, the bottom line with Cross Adventuring is that I / we want to share with you the great joy of rebuilding your life so that you can enjoy the best health and fitness levels possible for you while exploring and adventuring on the waterways, on the trails, over the snow, or under the water. Whatever, wherever, and however you eventually choose to enjoy your life, on YOUR healthy and fit terms.

If you are just getting started, or don’t have a lot of money to buy a lot of gear, and don’t know where to begin, or where to go, or what to do, we want to share as much of that information with you as we can. Don’t hesitate to ask questions! We have a huge network of super-experienced adventurers at hand, so even if we don’t know the answer, we probably have a source who has been there and experienced that.


So, who are we here at Cross Adventuring?

Meet the team!

(Hang on…this part is coming soon!) : )